Featured Tom's USA Paintings

Tom Rickman USA

Tom Rickman USA. I have only been to a snippett of the USA. culturally I feel quite close to it, though when I arrived there I found it quite different to Europe. So far I have only been to Nantucket and New York City. On Nantucket I had a working relaitionship with The Thomas Henry Gallery for a number of years, and now with The Centre Street Gallery. Through that I went to New York to research some ideas for paintings. The landscape of New York I found at first quite daunting, but as all unfamilliar places and with my artists eye I found the ideas I was looking for. The thing that runs through all my work is light and atmosphere and I found that in the city as eqaul to any mountain range. It is so opposite that the two differences reach right around the back of me and meet up. So as in Venice I went walking with my sketchbook to scribble impressions and discoveries. It was only when I got home and looked at the work and photos that I got my take on the place, or ir got me.